Marketing Materials
for use by Authors, Audience, or Anyone who wants to help spread the word about
Strong Women•Strange Worlds.
We appreciate all your enthusiasm and support!
for use by Authors, Audience, or Anyone who wants to help spread the word about
Strong Women•Strange Worlds.
We appreciate all your enthusiasm and support!
• Download the version in color if you can, or black and white if that's all your printer can do.
• Make sure your printer is set to “actual size” and not “fit to page” or it will probably try to make the margins bigger!
• Print on card stock or regular paper, and cut into quarters.
• Hand out at conventions, events, your local library, book club, or wherever you think the word should be spread. Thanks!
• Download the version in color if you can, or black and white if that's all your printer can do.
• Make sure your printer is set to “actual size” and not “fit to page” or it will probably try to make the margins bigger!
• Print on card stock or regular paper, and cut into quarters.
• Hand out at conventions, events, your local library, book club, or wherever you think the word should be spread. Thanks!
• Print on two sides of card stock or stiff paper, and cut apart carefully.
• Make sure your printer is set to “actual size” and not “fit to page” or it will probably try to make the margins bigger.
• Distribute as desired.

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